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Home Learning Guidance


Home learning will be set for any child who has been advised to self-isolate. This home learning will be set by their class teacher through Google Classroom which the children all have their own login for. Home learning is NOT set for children who are absent from school due to being ill. The learning will be set on an individual basis for that child's needs as well as being focussed on what the children will be missing in school at that time.


Alongside Google Classroom we use other interactive programmes which the children can access from home:


TT Rockstars


Phonics Play

Tapestry- Year R


There may be others that we may suggest would be useful for your child to access if we were to go into a National lockdown. Generally these would be free to use.


Home learning is not just about accessing learning through electronics. Reading books; learning times tables; playing games; cooking are also important skills to develop.


If we were to go into a National lockdown as in 2020, all home learning would be set via Google Classroom which is a "virtual" classroom where:

  • the teachers are able to set learning
  • the children and teachers can communicate with each other and members of their class
  • the children can upload their work, videos and presentations.


The work set is expected to take the children approximately 4 hours to complete (3 hours for Year R).


If your child needs extra support, we can provide technology to support you as well as Mrs Silver the SENDCO and the class teachers doing extra Google classroom sessions 1 to 1 and sending home specific resources linked to your child's Individual Education Plan. Please contact the school if you require more support.


What if my child is self-isolating?


If your child is self-isolating, the class teacher will set work on Google Classroom. This is the work that would have been set in school. The class teacher will mark and return the work on a daily basis. If your child needs extra support, please contact the school and lessons can be supported by Mrs Helen Silver the SENDCO.
