School Council
Our new School Council Team for 2023/24
We want all our children to be active, conscious and democratic in our school community so we have a school council that involves every child and adult. This year children who felt they had the qualities to be an effective school councillor wrote an application. These applications were read by all the class teachers and children from each class were chosen on the strength of their application.
Secretary -
KS2 -
KS1 -
The children write the Agenda and lead the meetings.
In valuing pupil voice, we offer our children the chance to evaluate our school and curriculum so they can evaluate what we do well and the things they would like to change. They are also integral in discussing our pupil safety questionnaire and identifying areas for development around the school.
Meeting with local Parish Playing Fields Association Representative
The School Council's latest meeting involved a discussion with John Hale form the local Parish Playing Fields Committee. He showed us proposed plans for new equipment on the Burydene and asked what we thought of them. We asked him lots of questions such as why there isn't a roundabout and when it will be completed. Our general consensus is that we think the new equipment will be really beneficial to our physical as well as mental health and we can't wait for it to be installed!