Thursday 25th June
Here is Rev Trev's latest Worship:
Capt Croc and Suzie have recorded a Collective Worship on Joy one of the Fruits of the Spirit and can be accessed on our Youtube Channel here.
VDGS Worship 24th June
Sorry this is late but would love for you to join a whole school worship at 3pm on Thursday 25th June.
Monday 22nd June
This week's Worship will be a whole school Worship, virtually-Fingers crossed! Watch this space for the link for 3pm on Wednesday. I will send a Teacher2parent text to remind you!
Thursday 18th June
Follow the link for Rev Trev's Worship on the "Fruits of the Spirit" Bible verse Galatians 5 v 22
Monday 15th June 2020
From next week I will attempt to deliver a worship virtually so we can have a whole school worship but socially distanced! In the meantime Rev Trev has some Collective Worships for you to enjoy. Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5s0Ghq9Ez3SQ5kqySZTLCw?view_as=subscriber
For our worship them of Justice watch the clip below;
It follows on from what we have been thinking about of being "just" and "fair" There is a worksheet that you can download if you wish. https://www.unav.edu/documents/855451...
Monday 8th June 2020
Continuing our theme of Justice, can you think of a time when you feel there has been an injustice? This maybe in your own life or the life of another. You may have seen on the News recently about an injustice in America and how passionate people have been about stopping this.
If you feel you have had a time where injustice happened to you-what did you do about it?
Today's Worship is on page 7 of Lifesavers Worship ideas- Number 2 "Fair shares for all". The Worship focusses on Hebrews 13:16: "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." Use the following link below:
Something for us all to consider-Wise words...............................!
Monday 1st June 2020
A little later than I had planned due to school re-opening today so I apologise but here is our Monday Worship. This half term our theme is Justice. What do you think justice is/means?
Often when we think about justice they are represented by weighing scales- Why do you think that is?
Use the following link and follow the Worship about Justice 1 to do with money pages 3-5https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a8ac2c47131a52e6cd89175/t/5ae0eac2758d46dc72f589f7/1524689619969/Values+for+Lifesavers+-+Justice.pdf