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Osmington Bay 2024

General Election July 2024

Coronation Celebrations

Coronation Celebrations-Across school reading

Coronation Celebrations-Art

Easter at Vernham Dean Gillums

A Midwife Crisis! - Christmas performance 2022

Getting ready for Christmas

Rugby Year 3 and 4

Musiko Musika Music Performance Year R and 1

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Video (1).mov

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Video (3).mov

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School Disco


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Spring Outcomes-Oak class, writing for a purpose, a younger audience

Spring Outcomes- Beech Geography Powerpoint presentations on skills learned about rivers

Willow Class wildlife and animals

Discussing our learning with one of our Governors!

Red Nose Day 2021

Springtime! there are lots of frogs our pond today

Art Project - You’re Bearing Awesome!!

Christmas Lunch and books from Santa

Christmas is coming! Maple class decorating the tree with Mrs Cripps

Planting Trees at Harmony Woods with Andover Trees

Oak Class supporting World diabetes day 2020 by painting their nails blue

Children in Need 2020 - We raised £173.35! Well done everyone

Harvest Festival and Food Bank Donations

Settling into Beech Class

Willow Class Caterpillars and Butterflies

Year 1 Summer 2020

Year 6 Summer 2020
