Introducing the Governing Body
The Governors here at Vernham Dean Gillum’s Church of England Primary School work in partnership with the Headteacher to manage the strategic side of school development as well as ensuring that the school meets its statutory responsibilities. Crucial to their role is to ensure the school is run effectively and promotes high standards of education and achievement for its pupils. They do this by acting as a ‘critical friend’ and through their collaborative work as a Full Governing Body.
Financial Information
Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000.
Please click here to view our school's financial data
Clerk to the Governors: Nikki Pauk
Paul Nicoll: Local Authority Governor & Chair of Governors
Safeguarding, Health & Safety and SEN Governor
Governor Working Group
Resources Committee
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee
Business Interests: Hampshire County Council staff – Client Services Assistant
Financial interests: none
End date: 18th June 2028
Kate Taylor: Co-opted Governor
Resources Committee
Pay Committee
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
End Date: 24th April 2026
Rachel Miller: Co-opted Governor
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee
Pay Committee
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
End Date: 9th November 2025
Rev Julie Howell: Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
Pay Committee
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
Governance role in other schools: Foundation Governor at Hurstbourne Tarrant CE Primary School
End date: 1st February 2027
Matthew Leavesley: Parent Governor
Resources Committee
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
End date: 28th February 2027
Reece Garner: Parent Governor
Resources Committee
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
End date: 11th October 2026
Anna Hall: Parent Governor
Business Interests: none
Financial interests: none
End date: 6th February 2027
Ian Hickman: Executive Headteacher
Holly Bulpitt: Staff Governor
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee
Business Interests: Bulpitt Printing
End date: 4th November 2026