The School Day
Our school is organised into 3 classes:
Robins - Years R, 1 & 2
Kestrels - Years 3 & 4
Owls - Years 5 & 6
Doors will be open from 8.50am for a 8.55am - 9:00am registration. If you arrive after registration please go to the school office where we will sign in your child.
Finishing time for all children is 3.30pm
The School Day - Normal Timetable
The school day begins at 8.55 am and finishes at 3.30pm for all the children.
8:30 Early Morning Club (max 15 children pre-registration necessary)
8:55 Bell is rung
9:00 Registration
9:00 - 10:30 Session 1
10:30 Morning Break
10:45 - 12:00 Session 2
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
3:10 Worship
3:30 End of School
The total number of hours each week is 32.5 hours a week.
Timetable is slightly different on Mondays as Worship is at 9.05am for the whole school.
School Clubs usually run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:15pm.
Acts of Worship
Our Collective Worship is held daily within the school hall, classrooms or, if appropriate, outside. The School celebrates various Christian festivals such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter at St Mary’s Church, Vernham Dean; our parents/carers are invited to attend many of these.
Monday: Whole School Worship led by the Headteacher. This is where we introduce the weekly focus which is linked to our school or Christian Values.
Tuesday: Whole school worship with a focus given by the Headteacher in Monday’s worship.
Wednesday: Class/child/house Worship led by the teaching staff or children in the Worship working party. Here we explore our school’s Christian Values.
Thursday: Whole School Worship led by the Pastrow Benefice. During this worship biblical stories and songs are shared with a moral for the children to reflect upon.
Friday: Whole School Celebration Worship led by the Headteacher. Parents are invited to this as two children from each class are chosen for Achievement and Behaviour and Values.