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Tick Awareness

Tick awareness is an important step towards reducing the chance of getting a tick-borne disease like Lyme disease. Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infection in the UK. It is important to remind staff, children and families that ticks are found in all areas of the UK and we should all be tick aware.


Being tick aware by knowing what ticks look like, where they can be found, and practising prevention behaviours will help to avoid tick bites.

  • Make it a habit to carry out a tick check – an easy way to make sure you haven’t picked up a tick while outdoors. Look over your clothes and body regularly if you’re outdoors and brush off any ticks you see. Carry out a thorough tick check when at home by removing your clothing and having a good look and feel for ticks – look out for anything as small as a speck of dirt or a freckle.
  • If you do get bitten, removing the tick quickly and correctly can help to reduce any potential risk of infection.  
  • Being bitten by a tick doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get Lyme disease as not all ticks carry Lyme-causing bacteria.
  • If you are bitten by a tick infected with Lyme-causing bacteria, you can reduce the chances of the bacteria being transmitted by removing the tick quickly. 
  • A characteristic expanding rash is present in most but not all cases of Lyme disease.
  • Seek advice from your GP or dial NHS 111 if you feel unwell after being bitten by a tick, even when you don’t have a rash, and remember to tell them you were bitten by a tick or have recently spent time outdoors.


Please don't think you are only at risk from ticks during off-site visits, they may be present in your school field, during the walk to and from school and it is possible to be bitten throughout the year. We may be unable to entirely avoid ticks, but swift removal and knowledge of them may help to prevent a bite leading to more serious consequences.


For more information please see the NHS website:


Tick Awareness leaflet -

