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Inclusion at Vernham Dean Primary


At Vernham Dean Primary we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all pupils and adults, and strive to ensure that these values are at the heart of our inclusion practices.  We believe that an effective school is an inclusive school where all children receive high quality inclusive teaching that meets their needs.  This is achieved through effective; modelling, scaffolding and questioning in order for children to be able to access their learning independently using high quality and appropriate resources. We recognise the need to implement our ethos both in and out of the classroom. We want our pupils to be safe, enjoy education and grow so that they may become successful adults who will make a contribution to society.  We value high quality teaching for all learners and actively monitor teaching and learning in the school to ensure we are providing this for all our pupils.


Where our pupils have additional needs, steps will be taken to prevent these from becoming a barrier to learning.   By this positive action, we believe our pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, special needs, attainment and background will receive an equal opportunity to progress and fulfil their potential.


At Vernham Dean, we provide our pupils with an engaging and diverse curriculum.  We provide many opportunities for our pupils to be motivated and enjoy learning through educational visits, residential activities and visitors who bring different experience of life.  In addition, our Smart School Council and outdoor learning opportunities ensure that our pupils have access to a Voice and learning beyond the classroom.



We understand that each pupil has individual and unique needs.  However, some pupils require more support than others to achieve.  We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and that there many factors influencing progress including ability, emotional state, age and maturity.  Therefore we acknowledge that some pupils may need a little extra support for a short period, or for longer periods of time.



After quality first teaching, the school puts into place interventions on an individual needs led basis. These are carried out by either the class teacher or trained LSA. These interventions are frequent throughout the week and will involve Little Wandle Phonics "Keep up" interventions, Provision Teaching and Solent Therapy, to name a few. These interventions work alongside the child's IEP (Individual Education Plan) and are SMART short term interventions to move the child's development on quickly. 



Speech, Language and Communication Needs

Our current Speech and Language therapist is: Rhiann Owen. The school has a positive and effective working partnership with our NHS Mainstream Speech Therapist who provides programmes and therapy to any pupil within the school who may need provision.  Our support staff run individualised programs on a daily or when needed.


Cognitive and Learning Needs

Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as working memory, dyslexia and dyscalculia. We work with our attached Educational Psychologist.


Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs

The school's ELSA is Miss Flo Nicoll and the school's Designated Mental Health Lead is Mrs Cheryl Hawkings (Headteacher) who have both had specific training for their roles. Our PSHE/RSE Curriculum-JIGSAW supports our children to discuss their SEMH needs and we have fortnightly sessions to develop children's mental health needs planned by our well-being ambassadors. There are also extra-curricular clubs to support children such as Yoga and "Chill and Chat" club.


The school closely monitors children's SEMH needs both in and outside the classroom to ensure that the necessary support is provided where needed in consultation with parents and also considering any parental concerns that are raised. Staff meetings/pupil progress meetings are used to discuss specific children as a whole staff and If children are highlighted then a referral is made to the school ELSA in discussion with the SENDCO and Designated Mental Health Lead (HT).


ELSA provision is given through a bespoke 6 week programme by the trained ELSA and is planned for each individual child's needs. After the 6 weeks then this is reviewed with parents to see what the next steps for the child are. 


We also work in liaison with other outside agencies such as the school nursing team, CAMHs and the Primary Behaviour Support Team.


Special Education Needs (SEND) Governor

Our SEN Governor is Paul Nicoll who is our Chair of Governors.  He keeps up-to-date with the school by visiting on a regular basis.  He also monitors pupil progress through the Governor Working Group.


What if you have a concern about your child?

Our staff are committed to caring for and helping children in every way possible.   Nevertheless, as a parent it is natural that you will worry about your child. Should you have  a concern, you are invited to approach your child’s class teacher to discuss the matter informally through our open door policy.

We are committed to responding to worries and concerns quickly.  If you wish to talk about your child’s needs with our Inclusion Manager then please make an appointment to see Mrs Silver who is our SENDCo.
